Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Every where you look now days you'll see camoflauge.  They got camoflauge shirts, camoflauge pants, they even have camoflauge drawers and bras.  Huh?  Now what you gonna do with camoflauge underwear?  Can't recall a single time I was sneaking through the woods in my underwear thinking "man, this would be great if my underwear was camoflauge so's nothing could see me."  Okay wait, there was a time I was in Denver at midnight without a restroom in sight and had to make use of a natural alternative, and I suppose camoflauge may have come in handy... but you still got to pull them things down and theres no hiding a big white butt in the bushes in the middle of downtown Denver!

Kids wear camoflauge to school, and then slouch down in their seats so the teachers don't see them and ask questions.  Don't have the heart to tell them mossy oak only works in the woods.  You need a woodgrain-desk camo to fade into a classroom. 

Saw a Hummer painted Camo.  I yelled out to the driver, 'Hey stupid, your camoflauge don't work on the freeway.... I SEE YOU!'.  Why do you suppose someone would do that, get their vehicle painted camoflauge.  You know dang well that guy won't be driving that 50 thousand dollar truck into the woods to watch his little car-theater.  Might get it scratched or dirty.  Or worse yet, if he walks away from it he may never find it because the camoflauge paint will just blend into the woods.

I think camoflauge is way over rated anyhow.  Here where I hunt you can wear camoflauge, but just incase you blend in too well and the critters can't see you, they make you wear a bright fluorescent blaze orange.  Never realized how silly it was until one day while I was waiting on a ridge for legal shooting time.  As the sun came up I saw all across the meadow and valley.... and it looked like a pumpkin patch!  You couldn't see the hunters cos they were all wearing camoflauge, but you could sure see their blaze orange vest and hats.  Its no wonder nobody shot anything there that morning.  All the elk were on the other ridge shaking their antlers, yelling "Hey dummies, your camo don't work!  I SEE YOU!"


Anonymous said...

you are so funny......

Anonymous said...

LMAO, yep, your a riot!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but your NOT funny and camoflauge is sooooo last year and hunny I ain't seen it for years. I DO NOT see it everywhere, and I sertainly wouldn't send my children to school wearing it! Love Amy

Anonymous said...

I think animals are colorblind, so they don't see the bright colors...but we orderedShelby a camo baby outfit because it is so cute.

Anonymous said...

i know exactly what you mean!! camo is everywhere now.. and i don't understand the whole camoflauge with orange hats thing.. my dad used to do that.. hahahaha you are histarical!!!

Anonymous said...

I have taken my share of deer and most without camoflauge on! Are deer not color BLIND ??? Be real still and watch the wind and more than likely you will see deer . Better than that find a good tree put a stand in it and climb up !!! I shot a nice BUCK with no camo on,no cover scent,and EVEN had a cigarette in my hand .Now I really like my Realtree and Mossyoak but for deer hunting its really just for looks our looks at least for tree stand hunters .I was 15 foot high,wind was in my face,and the BUCK came in at 10 yards perfect bow shot. He is now on my wall.        Mr Lyon  Traphill N.C.        A TRUE STORY

Anonymous said...

Gracias por lo bueno

Anonymous said...

Hola, Interesante, no va a continuar con este artнculo?.